Blockchain Bywise
Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

Blockchains using POW need a lot of computing power. Transactions require validation and the block needs to be mined through tenders, which requires a huge energy expenditure.

Asics are the devices with the best speed and energy efficiency in calculating hashes, reaching absurdly high values of hashes per second. As an example we have the Antminer S19 Pro, which reaches 110 TH/s and has 4400 Watts of power, which is equivalent to 25 GH/W.

Even though these devices improve the energy efficiency of the algorithm, miners are always competing with each other and the contest difficulty tends to increase to fix the block time at 10 minutes. Networks with proof-of-work algorithms regulate themselves, consequently keeping the energy expenditure almost constant.

Bywise is able to process many more transactions per block, in addition to using algorithms optimized for speed in slice selection. If in the same 10-minute contest the blockchain processes a much larger volume of transactions, the computational cost per transaction will be much lower, which increases energy efficiency.